Nicolaus Copernicus ( 1473 - 1543 ) Poland

Profession: Astronomer, Physician, Cosmologist

Tycho Brahe ( 1546 - 1601 ) born in Denmark, died in Bohemia (now Czech Republic)

Profession: Astronomer, Alchemist, Astrologer

Galileo Galilei ( 1564 - 1642 ) Italy

Profession: Astronomer, Mathematician, Physician, Cosmologist

Johannes Kepler ( 1571 - 1630 ) born in Holy Roman Empire (now Germany), died in Regensberg (now Germany)

Profession: Astronomer, Mathematician, Cosmologist

Sir Issac Newton ( 1643 - 1727 ) - England

Profession: Astronomer, Physicist, Mathematician

Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz ( 1646 - 1716 ) born in Saxony (now Germany) - died in Hanover (now Germany)

Profession: Mathematician

Guillaume Fran‡ois Antoine Marquis de L'H“pital ( 1661 - 1704 ) France

Profession: Mathematician

Leonhard Euler ( 1707 - 1783 ) - born in Switzerland, died in Russia

Profession: Mathematician, Astronomer

Charles Augustin de Coulomb ( 1736 - 1806 ) - France

Profession: Engineer, Physicist

Pierre-Simon Laplace ( 1749 - 1827 ) - France

Profession: Mathematician, Astronomer

Adrien-Marie Legendre ( 1752 - 1833 ) - France

Profession: Mathematician

Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier ( 1768 - 1830 ) - France

Profession: Astronomer, Physicist, Mathematician

Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss ( 1777 - 1855 ) - born in Brunswick (now Germany), died in Gottingen, Hanover (now Germany)

Profession: Mathematician

Siméon Denis Poisson ( 1781 - 1840 ) - France

Profession: Astronomer, Physicist, Mathematician

Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel ( 1784 - 1846 ) - born in Westphalia (now Germany), died in Prussia (now Russia)

Profession: Astronomer, Mathematician

George Green ( 1793 - 1841 ) - England

Profession: Miller, Mathematician, Physicist

Gabriel Lamé ( 1795 - 1870 ) - France

Profession: Engineer, Physicist, Mathematician

Noted accomplishments:

Introduced the concept of curvilinear coordinates systems
Introduced the ellipsoidal harmonics
introduced Lamé functions and therefore the associated Lamé functions

Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi ( 1804 - 1851 ) - Germany

Profession: Mathematician

Introduced the Jacobi elliptic functions

Evariste Galois ( 1811 - 1832 ) - France

Profession: Mathematician

Heinrich Eduard Heine ( 1821 - 1881 ) - Germany

Profession: Mathematician

Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz ( 1821 - 1894 ) - Germany

Profession: Physiologist, Mathematician, Physicist

Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann( 1826 - 1866 ) - Gemany - Italy

Profession: Mathematician

James Clerk Maxwell ( 1831 - 1879 ) - born in Scottland, died in England

Profession: Mathematician, Physicist

Eugenio Beltrami ( 1835 - 1900 ) - born in Austrian Empire (Now Italy), died in Italy

Profession: Mathematician

Jean Gaston Darboux ( 1842 - 1917 ) - France

Profession: Mathematician

Ernest William Hobson ( 1856 - 1933 ) - England

Profession: Mathematician

David Hilbert ( 1862 - 1943 ) - born in Prussia (now Russia), died in Germany

Profession: Mathematician

Maxime Bôcher ( 1867 - 1918 ) - U.S.A.

Profession: Mathematician

Edmund Taylor Whittaker ( 1873 - 1956 ) - England

Profession: Mathematician

Francis John Welsh Whipple ( 1876 - 1943 ) - England

Profession: Meteorologist, Mathematician

Luther Pfahler Eisenhart ( 1876 - 1965 ) - U.S.A.

Profession: Mathematician

Albert Einstein ( 1879 - 1955 ) - born in Germany, died in U.S.A.

Profession: Physicist, Mathematician

Harry Bateman ( 1882 - 1946 ) - England

Profession: Mathematician, Physicist

George Neville Watson ( 1886 - 1965 ) - England

Profession: Mathematician

Parry Moon ( 1898 - 1988 ) - U.S.A.

Profession: Electrical Engineer, Physicist, Mathematician

Philip McCord Morse ( 1903 - 1985 ) - U.S.A.

Profession: Physicist

Herman Feshbach ( 1917 - 2000 ) - U.S.A.

Profession: Physicist

Domina Eberle Spencer - U.S.A.

Profession: Mathematician, Physicist

Willard Miller, Jr. - U.S.A.

Profession: Mathematician

Ernie Kalnins - New Zealand

Profession: Mathematician

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