Motto of the Week - Howard S. Cohl
Motto of the week:
"There is light at the two ends of two
rays which point out of the north and south poles of a rotating star. The North and South Pole?"
The convective surfaces, bubble radiating heat which reaches our telescopes and we
can then ascertain the true structure of the surfaces of stars. In order to study
the hydrodynamics of the star we must get all local initial accelerations,
velocities, and remaining physical properties to be in perfect balance when
we set the flame fronts burning at the hearts of the stars which make them shine
brightly in the sky. Set the controls at the heart of the sun, we now race towards
the quiet hum and motionless silence of a star in perfect equilibrium. Goal one:
build a standard star model and note the key aspects which were required to
complete this task. Alasen Parker's role will essentially be to film and
quantify fine tuning of the code. It is very similar to what nuclear physicists
do at storage rings, then fine tune the beam so that it isn't hitting anything,
nothing but net, as the proud ones say. Quiet the beast so that when it starts
to hum, we know it's humming the right tune.
Motto of last week:"motto of the week people were sacked."
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