Howard S. Cohl, Ph.D.

Applied and Computational Mathematics Division
National Institute for Standards and Technology
Mission Viejo, California, 92694, U.S.A.



  1. Dynamic Instabilities in Rotating, Low-Mass Protostars during Early Disk Formation, with S. Yang, R. H. Durisen, J. N. Imamura and J. Toman, Icarus, 91, 14-28, 15 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (1991)
  2. The Solar White Light Flare of 1989 March 7: Simultaneous Multiwavelength Observations at High Time Resolution, with D. F. Neidig, A. L. Kiplinger and P. H. Wiborg, The Astrophysical Journal, 406, 306-318, 13 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (1993)
  3. Parallel Implementation of a Data-Transpose Technique for the Solution of Poisson's Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates, with X-H Sun and J. E. Tohline, Proceedings of the 8th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Minneapolis, Minnesota, March, 8 pages. PDF (1997)
  4. The Formation of Common-Envelope, Pre-Main-Sequence Binary Stars, with J. E. Tohline, J. E. Cazes, Proceedings of Numerical Astrophysics, ed. T. Hanawa, ABSTRACT PDF (1998)
  5. On the numerical solution of the cylindrical Poisson equation for isolated self-gravitating systems, The Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, ix+122 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (1999)
  6. A Compact Cylindrical Green's Function Expansion for the Solution of Potential Problems, with J. E. Tohline, The Astrophysical Journal, 527, 1, 86-101, 16 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (1999)
  7. Developments in determining the gravitational potential using toroidal functions, with J. E. Tohline, A. R. P. Rau and H. M. Srivastava (2000) Astronomische Nachrichten, 321, 5/6, 363-372, 10 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2000)
  8. Useful alternative to the multipole expansion of 1/r potentials, with A. R. P. Rau, J. E. Tohline, D. A. Browne, J. E. Cazes, and E. I. Barnes, Physical Review A: Atomic and Molecular Physics and Dynamics, 64, 5, 52509, 5 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2001)
  9. Portent of Heine's Reciprocal Square Root Identity, Proceedings of the 3D Stellar Evolution Workshop, ed. R. Cavallo, S. Keller, S. Turcotte, Livermore, California, July, 6 pages. PDF (2002)
  10. Discrete Fourier Inversion of Linear Inhomogeneity, Proceeding of the Fifth International Conference of Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, June 23-29, 2003, Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine, 7 pages. PDF (2003)
  11. On the relative motions of dense cores and envelopes in star-forming molecular clouds, with B. A. Ayliffe, J. C. Langdon, M. R. Bate, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 374, 4, 1198-1206, 9 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2007)
  12. Exact Fourier expansion in cylindrical coordinates for the three-dimensional Helmholtz Green function, with J. T. Conway, Zeitschrift angewandte für Mathematik und Physik, 61, 3, June 2010, 425-443, 19 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2010) erratum
  13. Derivatives with respect to the degree and order of associated Legendre functions for |z|>1 using modified Bessel functions, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 21, 8, August 2010, 581-588, 8 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2010)
  14. Fourier and Gegenbauer expansions for fundamental solutions of the Laplacian and powers in Rd and Hd, The University of Auckland, xiv+190 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2010) erratum
  15. Generalized Heine's identity for complex Fourier series of binomials, with D. E. Dominici, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 467, February 2011, 333-345, 13 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2011)
  16. On parameter differentiation for integral representations of associated Legendre functions, Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA), Special Issue on Symmetry, Separation, Super-integrability and Special Functions (S4), 7, 050, 16 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2011)
  17. Opposite Antipodal Fundamental Solution of Laplace's Equation in Hyperspherical Geometry, Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA), 7, 108, 14 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2011)
  18. Fourier and Gegenbauer expansions for fundamental solutions of the Laplacian in the hyperboloid model of hyperbolic geometry, with E. G. Kalnins, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 45, 14, 145206, 32 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2012) erratum
  19. Table errata to "Formulas and theorems for the special functions of mathematical physics" by W. Magnus, F. Oberhettinger & R. P. Soni (1966), Mathematics of Computation, 81, 280, 2251-2251, 1 page. ABSTRACT PDF (2012)
  20. Eigenfunction expansions for a fundamental solution of Laplace's equation on R3 in parabolic and elliptic cylinder coordinates, with H. Volkmer, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 45, 35, 355204, 20 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2012)
  21. Erratum: "Developments in determining the gravitational potential using toroidal functions," Astronomische Nachrichten, 333, 8, 784-785, 2 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2012)
  22. Definite integrals using orthogonality and integral transforms, with H. Volkmer, Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA), Special Issue on Superintegrability, Exact Solvability, and Special Functions, 8, 077, 10 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2012)
  23. Fourier, Gegenbauer and Jacobi expansions for a power-law fundamental solution of the polyharmonic equation and polyspherical addition theorems, Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA) 9, 042, 26 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2013) erratum
  24. Fourier expansions for a logarithmic fundamental solution of the polyharmonic equation, Journal of Classical Analysis, 2, 2, 107-127, 21 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2013)
  25. Separation of variables in an asymmetric cyclidic coordinate system, with H. Volkmer, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 54, 6, 063513, 23 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2013)
  26. Generalizations of generating functions for hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials with definite integrals, with C. MacKenzie and H. Volkmer, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 407, 2, 211-225, 15 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2013) erratum
  27. Publisher's Note: ``Separation of variables in an asymmetric cyclidic coordinate system'' [J. Math. Phys. 54, 6, 063513 (2013)], with H. Volkmer, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 54, 7, 079904, 1 page. ABSTRACT PDF (2013)
  28. On a generalization of the generating function for Gegenbauer polynomials, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 24, 10, 807-816, 10 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2013)
  29. Generalizations and specializations of generating functions for Jacobi, Gegenbauer, Chebyshev and Legendre polynomials with definite integrals, with C. MacKenzie, Journal of Classical Analysis, 3, 1, 17-33, 17 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2013) erratum
  30. Digital Repository of Mathematical Formulae, with M. A. McClain, B. V. Saunders, M. Schubotz and J. C. Williams, Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics 2014, Coimbra, Portugal, July 7-11, 2014, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 8543, Springer, Eds. S. M. Watt, J. H. Davenport, A. P. Sexton, P. Sojka, J. Urban, 419-422, 4 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2014)
  31. Expansions for a fundamental solution of Laplace's equation on R3 in 5-cyclidic harmonics, with H. Volkmer, Analysis and Applications, Special Issue: Dedicated to the Memory of Frank Olver, 12, 6, 613-633, 21 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2014)
  32. Evaluation of Similarity-Meausure Factors for Formulae bases on the NTCIR-11 Math Task, with M. Schubotz, A. Youssef, V. Markl and J. J. Li, Proceedings of the 11th NTCIR Conference, Tokyo, Japan, December 9-12, 2014, ABSTRACT PDF (2014)
  33. Measurement and Analysis of the Lowest Resonant Mode of a Spherical Annular-Sector Patch Antenna, with S. J. Weiss and A. Boliong, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 9, 2, 95-100, 6 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2015)
  34. Fourier and Gegenbauer expansions for a fundamental solution of Laplace's equation in hyperspherical geometry, with R. M. Palmer, Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA), Special Issue on Exact Solvability and Symmetry Avatars in honour of Luc Vinet, 11, 015, 23 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2015)
  35. Generalizations of generating functions for higher continuous hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials in the Askey scheme, with M. A. Baeder and H. Volkmer, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 427, 1, 377-398, 22 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2015)
  36. Open problems at OPSFA-12, Sousse, Tunisia, Edited by: Christian Berg, Sections authored by: Mohamed J. Atia, Howard Cohl, Anbu Swaminathan and Walter Van Assche, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 26, 2, 90-95, 6 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2015)
  37. UWB Signal Processing: Projection, B-Splines and Modified Gegenbauer Bases, with Stephen D. Casey, 2015, Sampling Theory and Applications, 11th International Conference 2015, American University, Washington DC, USA, May 25-29. ABSTRACT PDF (2015)
  38. Growing the Digital Repository of Mathematical Formulae with Generic LaTeX Sources, with Moritz Schubotz, Marje A. McClain, Bonita V. Saunders, Cherry Y. Zou, Azeem S. Mohammed and Alex A. Danoff, Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics 2015, Washington DC, USA, July 13-17, 2015, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 9150, Springer, Eds. M. Kerber, J. Carette, C. Kaliszyk, F. Rabe, V. Sorge, 280-287, 8 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2015)
  39. Challenges of Mathematical Information Retrieval in the NTCIR-11 Math Wikipedia Task, with Moritz Schubotz, Abdou Youssef and Volker Markl, The 38th Annual ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval Conference (SIGIR 2015), Santiago, Chile, August 9-13, 2015. ABSTRACT PDF (2015)
  40. Report from the Open Problems session at OPSFA13, Edited by: Howard S. Cohl, Sections authored by: Richard Askey, Ted Chihara, Howard S. Cohl, Charles F. Dunkl, Christoph Koutschan, Sheehan Olver, Rick K. Beatson, Wolfgang zu Castell, Yuan Xu and Wadim Zudilin, Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA), Special Issue on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications, 12, 071, 12 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2016)
  41. Semantification of Identifiers in Mathematics for Better Math Information Retrieval, with Moritz Schubotz, Alexey Grigorev, Marcus Leich, Norman Meuschke, Bela Gipp, Abdou Youssef and Volker Markl, The 39th Annual ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval Conference (SIGIR 2016), Pisa, Tuscany, Italy, July 17-21, 2016, 10 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2016)
  42. Getting the units right, with Moritz Schubotz and David Veenhuis, Work in Progress Section of DML track for 9th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM 2016), Bialystok, Poland, July 25-29, 2016, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1785, 11 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2016)
  43. Convergence of Magnus integral addition theorems for confluent hypergeometric functions, with Jessica E. Hirtenstein and Hans Volkmer, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 27, 10, 767-774, 8 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2016)
  44. Some dual definite integrals for Bessel functions of the first kind, with Sean J. Nair and Rebekah M. Palmer, Scientia, Series A : Mathematical Science, 27, 15-30, 16 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2016)
  45. Sampling Architectures for Ultra-Wideband Signals, with Stephen D. Casey, 2017, Sampling Theory and Applications, 12th International Conference 2017, Tallinn, Estonia, July 3-7, 5 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2017)
  46. Semantic Preserving Bijective Mappings of Mathematical Formulae between Word Processors and Computer Algebra Systems, Howard S. Cohl, Moritz Schubotz, Abdou Youssef, André Greiner-Petter, Jürgen Gerhard, Bonita V. Saunders, Marjorie A. McClain, Joon Bang and Kevin Chen, Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., July 17-21, 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10383, Springer, Eds. H. Geuvers, M. England, O. Hasan, F. Rabe, O. Teschke, 115-131, 17 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2017)
  47. VMEXT: A Visualization Tool for Mathematical Expression Trees, Moritz Schubotz, Norman Meuschke, Thomas Hepp, Howard S. Cohl and Bela Gipp, Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., July 17-21, 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10383, Springer, Eds. H. Geuvers, M. England, O. Hasan, F. Rabe, O. Teschke, 340-355, 16 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2017)
  48. Content dictionary description: select symbols from Chapter 9 of the KLS dataset in the DRMF, Moritz Schubotz and Howard S. Cohl, OpenMath Workshop in Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., July 17-21, 2017, 4 pages. PDF (2017)
  49. The power collection method for connection relations: Meixner polynomials, with Michael A. Baeder, Roberto S. Costas-Santos and Wenqing Xu, Journal of Classical Analysis, 11, 2, 107-128, 22 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2017)
  50. The orthogonality of Al-Salam-Carlitz polynomials for complex parameters, with Roberto S. Costas-Santos and Wenqing Xu, Frontiers in Orthogonal Polynomials and q-Series, Contemporary Mathematics and its Applications: Monographs, Expositions and Lecture Notes, Vol. 1, World Scientific Publishing Company, Cambridge, MA, Eds. Zuhair Nashed and Xin Li, Chapter 8, 155-167, 13 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2018)
  51. Improving the Representation and Conversion of Mathematical Formulae by Considering their Textual Context, with Moritz Schubotz, André Greiner-Petter, Philipp Scharpf, Norman Meuschke, Bela Gipp, Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL'18), June 3-6, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, doi 10.1145/3197026.3197058, 233-242, 10 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2018)
  52. Automated Symbolic and Numerical Testing of DLMF Formulae using Computer Algebra Systems, with André Greiner-Petter and Moritz Schubotz, Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics 2018, Hagenberg, Austria, August 13-17, 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11006, Springer, Eds. F. Rabe, W. Farmer, G.O. Passmore, A. Youssef, 39-52, 14 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2018)
  53. MathTools: An Open API for Convenient MathML Handling, with André Greiner-Petter, Moritz Schubotz and Bela Gipp, Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics 2018, Hagenberg, Austria, August 13-17, 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11006, Springer, Eds. F. Rabe, W. Farmer, G.O. Passmore, A. Youssef, 104-110, 7 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2018)
  54. Some generating functions for q-polynomials, with Roberto S. Costas-Santos and Tanay V. Wakhare, Symmetry, 10, 12, 758, 12 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2018)
  55. Fundamental Solutions and Gegenbauer Expansions of Helmholtz Operators in Riemannian Spaces of Constant Curvature, with Thinh H. Dang and T. M. Dunster, Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA), Special Issue on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications (OPSFA14), 14, 136, 45 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2018)
  56. Improving the representation and conversion of mathematical formulae by considering their textual context, reprint of, with Moritz Schubotz André Greiner-Petter, Philipp Scharpf, Norman Meuschke, Bela Gipp, TUGBOAT, The Communications of the TeX Users Group, 39, 3, 228-240, 13 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2018)
  57. On a generalization of the Rogers generating function, with Roberto S. Costas-Santos and Tanay V. Wakhare, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 475, 2, 1019-1043, 25 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2019)
  58. Semantic Preserving Bijective Mappings for Expressions involving Special Functions between Computer Algebra Systems and Document Preparation Systems, with André Greiner-Petter, Moritz Schubotz and Bela Gipp, ASLIB Journal of Information Management, 71, 3, 415-439, 24 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2019)
  59. Towards Formula Concept Discovery and Recognition, with Philipp Scharpf, Moritz Schubotz and Bela Gipp, Proceedings of the 4th Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL) co-located with the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference, CEUR-WS, 2414, 108-115, 8 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2019)
  60. Discovering Mathematical Objects of Interest—A Study of Mathematical Notations, with André Greiner-Petter, Moritz Schubotz, Fabian Müller, Corrina Breitinger, Akiko Aizawa and Bela Gipp, WWW'20: Proceedings of the Web Conference 2020, ACM Digital Library, Eds. Y. Huang, I. King, T.-Y. Liu, M. van Steen, April 2020, 1445-1456, 12 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2020)
  61. Terminating Basic Hypergeometric Representations and Transformations for the Askey-Wilson Polynomials, with Roberto S. Costas-Santos and Linus Ge, Symmetry, 12, 8, 1290, 14 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2020)
  62. Multi-Integral Representations for Associated Legendre and Ferrers Functions, with Roberto S. Costas-Santos, Symmetry, 12, 10, 1598, 22 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2020)
  63. Lectures on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions, OPSFA Sixth Summer School, Norbert Wiener Center, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, July 11-15, 2016. Edited by Howard S. Cohl and Mourad E. H. Ismail, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 464, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, ISBN: 9781108908993, xvi+334 DOI (2020)
  64. Correction: Cohl, H.S.; Costas-Santos, R.S.; Ge, L. Terminating Basic Hypergeometric Representations and Transformations for the Askey-Wilson Polynomials, Symmetry 2020, 12, 1290, with Roberto S. Costas-Santos and Linus Ge, Symmetry, 12, 12, 2120, 2 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2020)
  65. Gauss hypergeometric representations of the Ferrers function of the second kind, with Justin Park and Hans Volkmer, Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA), 17, 053, 33 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2021)
  66. Connecting Islands: Bridging zbMATH and DLMF with Scholix. A blueprint for connecting expert knowledge systems, with Moritz Schubotz and Olaf Teschke, European Mathematical Society (EMS) Magazine, 120, 66-67, 2 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2021)
  67. The Legacy of Dick Askey (1933-2019), Edited by: Howard S. Cohl, Mourad E. H. Ismail and Hung-Hsi Wu, Sections authored by: Paul Terwilliger, George E. Andrews, Krishnaswami Alladi, Bruce C. Berndt, Luc Vinet, Alexei Zhedanov, Dennis Stanton, Mourad E. H. Ismail, George Gasper, Tom H. Koornwinder, Hung-Hsi Wu, Al Cuoco and Roger Howe, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, January 2022, 69, 01, 59-75, 17 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2022)
  68. Comparative Verification of the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions and Computer Algebra Systems, with André Greiner-Petter, Abdou Youssef, Moritz Schubotz, Avi Trost, Rajen Dey, Akiko Aizawa and Bela Gipp, Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2022), Munich, Germany, April 2-7, 2022, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13243, Springer, Eds. D. Fisman, G. Rosu, 87-105, 19 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2022)
  69. On the relation between Gegenbauer polynomials and the Ferrers function of the first kind, with Roberto S. Costas-Santos, Analysis Mathematica, 48, 2, 695-716, 22 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2022)
  70. Expansion for a Fundamental Solution of Laplace's Equation in Flat-Ring Cyclide Coordinates, with Lijuan Bi and Hans Volkmer, Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA), 18, 041, 31 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2022)
  71. Peanut harmonic expansion for a fundamental solution of Laplace's equation in flat-ring coordinates, with Lijuan Bi and Hans Volkmer, Analysis Mathematica, 48, 3, 961-989, 29 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2022)
  72. Generalizations of generating functions for basic hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials, with Roberto S. Costas-Santos, Philbert R. Hwang and Tanay V. Wakhare, Open Journal of Mathematical Sciences 6, 1, 248-261, 14 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2022)
  73. Symmetry of terminating basic hypergeometric series representations of the Askey-Wilson polynomials, with Roberto S. Costas-Santos, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, January 1 2023, 517, 1, 126583, 15 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2023)
  74. Gegenbauer expansions and addition theorems for a binomial and logarithmic fundamental solution of the even-dimensional Euclidean polyharmonic equation, with Jessie E. Hirtenstein, Jim Lawrence and Lisa Ritter, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, January 15 2023, 517, 2, 126576, 35 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2023)
  75. Preface to Special Issue in Memory of Richard Askey, with Krishnaswami Alladi, Frank Garvan, Mourad E. H. Ismail and Hjalmar Rosengren, The Ramanujan Journal, Special Issues in Memory of Richard Askey, May 2023, 61, 1, 1-6, 6 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2023)
  76. Nonterminating transformations and summations associated with some q-Mellin-Barnes integrals, with Roberto S. Costas-Santos, Advances in Applied Mathematics, June 2023, 147, 102517, 46 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2023)
  77. Utility of integral representations for basic hypergeometric functions and orthogonal polynomials, with Roberto S. Costas-Santos, The Ramanujan Journal, Special Issues in Memory of Richard Askey, June 2023, 61, 2, 649-674, 26 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2023)
  78. Two-dimensional contiguous relations for the linearization coefficients of classical orthogonal polynomials, with Lisa Ritter, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 34, 9, 635-658, 24 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2023)
  79. Discovery and Recognition of Formula Concepts using Machine Learning, with Philipp Scharpf, Moritz Schubotz, Corinna Breitinger and Bela Gipp, Scientometrics, 128, 4971-5025, 55 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2023)
  80. Internal and external harmonics in bi-cyclide coordinates, with Brandon Alexander and Hans Volkmer, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 56, 325203, 26 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2023)
  81. Richard Allen Askey Collection, Celebratio Mathematica, Edited by: Howard S. Cohl, Mourad E. H. Ismail, Askey Photo Gallery, Askey Bibliography, Liber Amicorum: a Friendship Book for Dick Askey ABSTRACT PDF (2023)
  82. Multi-integral representations for Jacobi functions of the first and second kind, with Roberto S. Costas-Santos, Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 30, 1, 583-592, 10 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2023)
  83. The Digital Shadow of Mathematics and its Ramifications, with Moritz Schubotz, 90 Years of zbMATH, European Mathematical Society Press, Berlin, Eds. Klaus Hulek, Octavio Paniagua Taboada, and Olaf Teschke, Chapter 5, 19-22, 4 pages. ABSTRACT PDF (2024)
  84. Special values for the continuous q-Jacobi polynomials with application to its Poisson kernel, with Roberto S. Costas-Santos, to appear in: Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications, arXiv:2303.13680. (2024)
  85. Orthogonality of the big -1 Jacobi polynomials for non-standard parameters, with Roberto S. Costas-Santos, to appear in: AMS Contemporary Mathematics Proceedings on Hypergeometric Functions, q-series and Applications, arXiv:2308.13583. (2024)
  86. Double summation addition theorems for Jacobi functions of the first and second kind, with Roberto S. Costas-Santos, Loyal Durand, Camilo Montoya and Gestur Ólafsson, to appear in: AMS Contemporary Mathematics Proceedings on Hypergeometric Functions, q-series and Applications, arXiv:2306.03035. (2024)
  87. Asymptotics, orthogonality relations and duality for the q and q-1-symmetric polynomials in the q-Askey scheme, with Roberto S. Costas-Santos and Xiang-Sheng Wang, submitted arXiv:2411.09040. (2024)
  88. A q-Chaundy representation for the product of two nonterminating basic hypergeometric series and its symmetric generating functions, with Roberto S. Costas-Santos, arXiv:2307.04884. (2024)
  89. Bilateral discrete and continuous orthogonality relations in the q-1-symmetric Askey scheme, with Hans Volkmer, submitted arXiv:2410.00246. (2024)
  90. Evaluation of beta integrals of Ramanujan type and integral representations for bilateral hypergeometric series, with Hans Volkmer, submitted arXiv:2411.03574. (2024)
  91. Product formulas for basic hypergeometric series by evaluations of Askey-Wilson polynomials, with Michael J. Schlosser, arXiv:2411.03571. (2024)